Freudenberg SE

Freudenberg SE is the Freudenberg Group company responsible for managing business operations. It executes management’s strategic decisions.
The corporate bodies of Freudenberg SE are the Board of Management, the Supervisory Board and the Shareholders’ Meeting.
The Management Board of Freudenberg & Co. Komanditgesellschaft and the Board of Management of Freudenberg SE have the same members, which is also true of the Board of Partners of Freudenberg & Co. KG and the Supervisory Board of Freudenberg SE.
The Board of Management shares joint responsibility for the Group.
Board of Management
The Board of Management of Freudenberg SE and the Management Board of Freudenberg & Co. KG are each composed of the same people:
Two to three members of the Board of Management and, for joint ventures, representatives of the Partners, form a Board for the individual Business Groups and Divisions. This ensures that more regular and close dialogue is maintained than would be possible for the entire Board of Management, given the number of businesses involved.
Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board of Freudenberg SE is commissioned by the Shareholder Meeting. This body both supervises the Board of Management and represents the company to the Board of Management.
- Mathias Thielen (Zürich, Switzerland)
Deputy Chairman
- Dr. Christoph Schücking (Frankfurt)
- Dr. Richard Beecroft (Bruchsal)
- Anna Maria Braun (Melsungen)
- Carlos M. Cardoso (Incline Village, USA)
- Dr. Maria Freudenberg-Beetz (Weinheim)
- Martin Haas-Wittmüß (Dreieich)
- Dr. Anne Holsten (Berlin)
- Essimari Kairisto (Korschenbroich)
- Dr. Richard Pott (Leverkusen)
- Walter Schildhauer (Stuttgart)
- Prof. Dr. Emanuel V. Towfigh (Bad Soden)
- Dr. Jürgen Zeschky (Bellwald, Switzerland)
Shareholder's Meeting
The Shareholder's Meeting of Freudenberg SE is made up of the personally liable partners of Freudenberg & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft (limited partnership). They elect the members of the Supervisory Board of Freudenberg SE.