Elastic interlinings to be manufactured in Weinheim
Beijing, May 18, 2016. Despite the slow-down in China’s overall economic growth,…
Investment of 15 million Euros in state-of-the-art plant
Freudenberg hosts the Enactus careers fair for the third time / 13 companies attend…
The Freudenberg Group has signed a final agreement with Trelleborg AB, Trelleborg,…
Weinheim, April 7, 2016. The Freudenberg Group reached an agreement with its joint…
10 million Euro investment shows clear commitment to site
Weinheim, March 9, 2016. Dr. Andreas Raps (41) is the new CEO of EagleBurgmann…
Uwe Dingert has spent more than two decades creating advanced new household…
The Freudenberg Group is to transfer its 50 percent shareholding in enmech GmbH &…
Online trading is a growing sales channel for Freudenberg
Freudenberg Group develops innovative glazing agent